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An innovative space-saving solution

Hide & Seat brings an intelligent and novel design to the shower area by combining functionality with a sense of well-being. The system combines a shower tray with a shower screen, and integrates a seat and trolley into the streamlined design. The seat, which fits snugly into the shower area, lifts up to reveal a pocket storage for keeping shower time paraphernalia like sponges, loofahs and bottles of shower gels and creams. The exterior portion of Hide & Seat features a pull-out trolley that is kept separate from the shower area, ensuring its contents remain dry. The trolley can be used to store spare towels and bathrobes, and doubles up as an extra stool in the bathroom.



Perfect equipment Hide & Seat comes with a built-in three-way Thermostatic faucet with a sprayer with a double water outlet; the overhead shower can be diverted to the sitting or standing position. Allowing users to relax sitting or standing while showering. The controllers are located to the side of the seat for ease of reach.



Perfect equipment Hide & Seat comes with a built-in three-way Thermostatic faucet with a sprayer with a double water outlet; the overhead shower can be diverted to the sitting or standing position. Allowing users to relax sitting or standing while showering. The controllers are located to the side of the seat for ease of reach.



Bathrooms in general have very few dedicated areas to sit down. Those who include a seat in their bathroom often have a seat which only suits the dry or the wet space but not both. However many bathrooms are too small or cluttered to allow space for a seat. Many people are therefore urged to use their toilet, bidet or edge of the bath as a seat which are not designed for this purpose.



Bathrooms in general have very few dedicated areas to sit down. Those who include a seat in their bathroom often have a seat which only suits the dry or the wet space but not both. However many bathrooms are too small or cluttered to allow space for a seat. Many people are therefore urged to use their toilet, bidet or edge of the bath as a seat which are not designed for this purpose.


Cluster & identify

All problems, observations, user comments, and insights were grouped into different categories of study. This grouping helped us to identify the main user’s pain-points across each category.


Opportunity creation

All previous seed ideas, material, research insights, and observations were combined to identify the main challenge that our future product should aspire to solve.



The team focused on three areas of research including trends, technology, and future scenarios. The most promising opportunities were selected to further develop during concept ideation.
